Submit Your Event

Please Submit Your
Event Details For Publishing On The Genie Website

* indicates essential information,
other sections are optional (but useful if available):

Please provide the title of your event, as you wish it to appear in the Event Calendar listing.
Choose the first date/date of the event. If there is more than one date, please click to provide details below.
(if known)

Event Location Details

Please make sure to include postcode so that it will show up on the Google Map on the site.

Event Cost and Tickets

Please enter ticket price or range of prices.

Organiser/Tickets Sales Contact Information

Further details and images

Please provide added detail about the event. This may include a description of the event, more detail about tickets, parking, seating, etc. Though there is no strict word-count limit, it would be helpful if you could please limit this to about 150 words or so. Please use the editing features to embolden, highlight, underline, etc.

Images/photos (up to 3, eg your logo,
venue, performers – click on the boxes below for instructions)

Ideally the .jpg image file size should be around 150KB or 450X450.  We can accept larger files, but will need to
reduce them when we include them in the Event Calendar.  We can also accept other common image files
such as .gif, .png, .emf, .wmf and more. 
The best image shape is square/close to a square as the Event Calendar
may distort wide rectangles.

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Information below will NOT be published in the listing (unless it is the same
as above – then just indicate ‘Same’):

(in case we need to ask you further questions)
Please provide any other comments – these WILL NOT be included in the event listing, but is a way to tell Genie any special request, etc.

We will do our best to
provide as much information as we can for the listings – but let us know if
there are suggestions/ideas that will make the Events Calendar even better. You may also e-mail us if you have any other thoughts or questions.