Public Information

This is the main newsletter for sending out when there is important, or sometimes urgent, news relevant to a particular village or cluster of villages.

The types of ‘need to know’ information sent out might include:

  • Police appeals for rapid information about a local crime or incident
  • Emergency road works with details about diversions
  • Major planning applications, which need a timely response from residents
  • Details about public consultations affecting a particular community
  • Local authority announcements affecting a local community or a wider area

If the information is important enough to warrant a newsletter of its own, it will be targeted to the villages of residence as recorded for each subscriber.

However, most newsletters will probably contain multiple news items, so you may not always receive information relevant to you and your community. Nevertheless, it may be of interest to you to hear about what’s going on in neighbouring villages.

If you have any news or information you would like to submit to Genie for consideration, please email it to the editor using

Please note it may not be possible to acknowledge every email, although the editor may respond if any clarification or further detail is needed. Thank you.

If this is of interest, please subscribe here.

If you would like to see previous Public Information newsletters, please find them in our archive.