Local Services:
- Goring & Woodcote Medical Practice
- Goring & Woodcote surgeries - 01491 680686
- Opening hours (Goring and Woodcote) Out of Hours: Telephone 111 (NHS) or 999 in emergencies.
- Goring Pharmacy, High Street, Goring, RG8 9AT - 01491 872124
- Out of Hours Pharmacies - see also Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group for latest updates
- Boathouse Dental Surgery, High Street, Goring (by river bridge) 01491 872394
- Chiltern Medical Clinic, 1 Thames Court, High Street, Goring, RG8 9AQ - 01491 873989
- Goring Veterinary Centre, 17c High Street, Goring – 01491 873638
- At other times call the Burghfield Veterinary Practice (RG7 3YU) on 01189 832465
NHS Hospitals:
- John Radcliffe Hospital (A&E), Headley Way, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9DU - 0300 304 7777
- Royal Berkshire Hospital (A & E), London Road, Reading, RG1 5AN - 01183 225111
- Townlands Hospital, Henley, (Minor Injuries Unit), OP Dept, York Road, Henley, RG9 2EB - 01865 903755
- Wallingford Community Hospital, Reading Road, Wallingford, OX10 9DU - 01865 903471
- West Berkshire Community Hospital (Urgent Care Centre), London Road, Benham Hill, Thatcham, RG18 3AS - 01635 273300
- Non-emergency NHS (Helpline & Advice) - 111
Emergency (Police, Ambulance, Fire & Rescue) - 999:
- Thames Valley Police - Emergency 999, Hard or Hearing: Textphone 18000
- Non-emergency 101, Textphone 18001 101
- Crimestoppers - 0800 555 111
- British Transport (Railway) Police - 999 (Non-emergencies - 0800 40 50 40 or text 61016)
Utilities Emergencies:
- Electricity emergencies - 0800 40 40 90
- Gas emergencies & leaks - 0800 111 999
- Water leaks - 0800 714 614
- River Incident Hotline (24 hrs) - 0800 80 70 60
- Environmental incidents (24 hrs) - 0800 80 70 60
- River information (Environment Agency) - 03708 506 506, Floodline - 0345 988 1188
- Swan Support (Rescue) - 07968 868172
- RSPCA (Animals in distress) - 0300 1234 999