Support Genie

There are a number of ways you can support us, below are just five. If you may be able to help in any way, please contact the Chairman via  Thank you.

Feedback and suggestions

Providing the right type, and amount, of information people want is important to us. Also, we are always looking for new ways to help the community.

More volunteers

We are a small group of volunteers working from home, generally for a few hours a week as and when it’s convenient.  We would like more helpers, especially to do some of the specific and routine back-office tasks which would allow us to expand our services. If you think you can spare a little time, please get in touch and we can discuss how best you may be able to help.

Part-time reporters

We know there are many more interesting things going on in our communities that we don't get to report. So, if you have a good knowledge of what’s happening locally and are willing to investigate stories and report back to us, that would be a great support.

IT support

We also need help from people competent in updating our website (WordPress), helping  to format our newsletters for mailing out via Mailchimp, assisting with data management, producing and updating the Calendar etc.

Financial support

As Genie is an independent service which doesn’t accept any commercial advertisements, to ensure the news and information it provides is totally impartial, non-commercial and non-political, we do need to top up our funds from time to time. Being a fully digital service, running costs are low and Genie is funded solely by donations from charitable and non-commercial organisations. To keep going and to grow our services to benefit as many people as possible we always welcome any donations or the opportunity to apply for community grants.

Genie is most grateful to these organisations which have supported us with grants:

  • Goring-on-Thames Parish Council (2017)
  • Goring Volunteer Fire Brigade Trust Fund (2018 & 2019)
  • Goring & Streatley Amenity Association (2017)
  • The Lucy Woodward Charitable Trust (2021)